
Pending Patents Applications (PCT):




Journals and Conference Proceedings Since 2018

  1. Muther, T. , Kalantari Dahaghi. A "Calculation of Hydrogen Adsorption Isotherms and Henry Coefficients with Mixed CO2 and CH4 Gases on Hydroxylated Quartz Surface: Implications to Hydrogen Geo-storage “ Journal of Energy Storage, March 2024
  2. Muther, T. , Kalantari Dahaghi. A "Monte-Carlo simulations on H2 adsorption in kaolinite nanopore in the presence of CO2 and CH4 gases “ Journal of Energy Storage, March 2024
  3. Muther, T. , Kalantari Dahaghi. A,   "Hydrogen adsorption on calcite mineral surface in the presence of CO2 and CH4: A key factor in hydrogen storage in carbonate rocks"  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 58, 2024, Pages 583-595,  
  4. Pham V, Kalantari-Dahaghi, A, Babakhani “i-Geo Sensing: An End-to-End Fracture Direct Diagnostic Platform, SPE-216872-MS, ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2023.
  5. Kalantari-Dahaghi A.  “ Panel Session 5: Hydrogen for Life: Hydrogen Transformational Green Technologies – Generation & Storage”, Panelist- SPE GOTECH, March 15, 2023
  6. Muther, T. , Kalantari-Dahaghi. A, Syed, F.I. et al. Physical laws meet machine intelligence: current developments and future directions. Artificial Intelligence Review (2022).
  7. Syed, F.I., Muther, T., Van, V.P., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Negahban, S., 2022. Numerical Trend Analysis for Factors Affecting EOR Performance and CO2 Storage in Tight Oil Reservoirs. Fuel316, p.123370.
  8. Muther, T., Syed, F.I., Lancaster, A.T., Salsabila, F.D., Kalantari Dahaghi, Aand Negahban, S., 2022. Geothermal 4.0: AI-enabled geothermal reservoir development-current status, potentials, limitations, and ways forward. Geothermics100, p.102348.
  9. Syed, F.I., Muther, T., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Neghabhan, S., 2022. CO2 EOR performance evaluation in an unconventional reservoir through mechanistic constrained proxy modeling. Fuel310, p.122390.
  10. Muther, T., Syed, F.I., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Negahban, S., 2022. Contribution of gas adsorption–desorption in Marcellus shale for different fractured well configurations. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, pp.1-16.
  11. Muther, T., Syed, F.I., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Negahban, S., 2022. Socio-inspired multi-cohort intelligence and teaching-learning-based optimization for hydraulic fracturing parameters design in tight formations. Journal of Energy Resources Technology144(7).
  12. Kalantari-Dahaghi A.  “A Novel 'Smart Microchip Proppants' Technology for Precision Diagnostics of Hydraulic Fracture Networks” (FE0031784), 2021 DOE-NETL Carbon Management and Oil and Gas Research Project Review Meeting, August 23-27, 2021
  13. Muther, T., Qureshi, H.A., Syed, F.I., Aziz, H., Siyal, A., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Negahban, S., 2021. Unconventional hydrocarbon resources: geological statistics, petrophysical characterization, and field development strategies. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, pp.1-26.
  14. Syed, F.I., Muther, T., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Negahban, S., 2021. Low-rank tensors applications for dimensionality reduction of complex hydrocarbon reservoirs. Energy, p.122680.
  15. Syed, F.I., Muther, T., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Negahban, S., 2021. AI/ML assisted shale gas production performance evaluation. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology11(9), pp.3509-3519.
  16. Muther, T., Syed, F.I., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Neghabhan, S., 2021, August. Subsurface physics inspired neural network to predict shale oil recovery under the influence of rock and fracture properties. In 2021 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  17. Syed, F.I., Alnaqbi, S., Muther, T., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Negahban, S., 2021. Smart shale gas production performance analysis using machine learning applications. Petroleum Research.
  18. Sprunger, C., Muther, T., Syed, F.I., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Neghabhan, S., 2021. State of the art progress in hydraulic fracture modeling using AI/ML techniques. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, pp.1-13.
  19. Syed, F.I., Negahban, S. and Dahaghi, A.K., 2021. Infill drilling and well placement assessment for a multi-layered heterogeneous reservoir. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production11(2), pp.901-910.
  20. Sattarin, S., Muther, T., Kalantari Dahaghi, A and Negahban, S., 2021, August. MicroPoreNet: Complex and Multilevels Microporosity Characterization of Carbonate Rocks through Semisupervised CNN. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  21. Sattarin, S., Muther, T., Kalantari Dahaghi, A, Negahban, S. and Bell, B., 2021, August. GeoPixAI: From Pixels to Intelligent, Unbiased and Automated Fast Track Subsurface Characterization. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  22. Pham, V., Kalantari Dahaghi, A, Negahban, S., Fincham, W. and Babakhani, A., 2021, September. I-GeoSensing Fracture Diagnostic I-GSFD for Fast Processing of the Smart Microchip Proppants Data. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. OnePetro.
  23. Pham, V.V., Kalantari Dahaghi, A, Negahban, S., Fincham, W. and Babakhani, A., 2021, August. Intelligent approach in smart microchip proppants data processing for complex hydraulic fractures diagnostic. In 2021 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  24. Van Pham, V., Kalantari Dahaghi, A, Negahban, S., Fincham, W. and Babakhani, A., 2021, December. Intelligent Fracture Diagnostic Procedure Using Smart Microchip Proppants Data. In Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. OnePetro.
  25. Van Pham, V., Kalantari Dahaghi, A, Negahban, S., Fincham, W. and Babakhani, A., 2021, August. Machine Learning Enabled Fracture Network Imaging Using The Wirelessly powered Smart Microchip Proppants Technology. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  26. Nara Brandão Costa Santos, A Zolfaghari, Shahin Negahban, Amirmasoud Kalantari Dahaghi* “Micro-Scale Experimental Investigations of Non-Newtonian Polymeric Flow in Carbonates“ Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering- ( July 29, 2021(Volume 207, Issue 109269 ) Elsevier- Science Direct
  27. Nara Brandão Costa Santos, A Zolfaghari, João Jorge Ribeiro Damasceno, Fábio de Oliveira Arouca, Shahin Negahban, Amirmasoud Kalantari Dahaghi “Experimental Evaluation of Polymeric Fluid Displacement in Carbonates using an X-ray Imaging Technique “Presented at InterPore 13th Annual meeting, May 31- June 4, 2021. 
  28. Fahad I. Syed, Kalantari-Dahaghi* A, Negahban, S “Application of ML & AI to Model Petrophysical and Geo-mechanical Properties of Tight Reservoirs – A Systematic Literature Review” Upstream Oil & Gas Technology Journal, (December 2020)
  29. Fahad I. Syed, Kalantari-Dahaghi* A, Negahban, S “Unconventional EOR Applications in Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs- Numerical Trend Analysis” Unconventional Resources Journal   (November  2020)
  30. Fahad I. Syed, Alshamsi, M, Kalantari-Dahaghi* A, Negahban, S “Smart Artificial lift System Applications using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence” Petroleum Journal (Science Direct), August 2020 (ISSN 2405-6561, 
  31. Fahad I. Syed, Negahban, S, Zolfaghari A., Kalantari-Dahaghi* A “Numerical Validation of Asphaltene Precipitation and Deposition during CO2 miscible flooding” Petroleum Research Journal, (Science Direct), May 2020 (ISSN 2096-2495,
  32. Li Y., Kalantari-Dahaghi* A., Zolfaghari A., Dong P., Negahban S., and Zhou D., “A New Model For The Transport Of Gaseous Hydrocarbon In Shale Nanopores Coupling Real Gas Effect, Adsorption, And Multiphase Pore-Fluid Occupancies,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 148, February 2020, 119026 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.119026) Impact factor: 3.95 
  33. Hakimov N., Zolfaghari A., Kalantari-Dahaghi* A., Negahban S., Gunter G., “Pore-scale Network Modeling of Microporosity in Low-Resistivity Pay Zones,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 71, 103005, 2019 (doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2019.103005) Impact factor: 3.841
  34. Liu S., Zolfaghari A., Sattarin S., Kalantari-Dahaghi* A., Negahban S., “Application of Neural Network in Multiphase Flow through Porous Media: Predicting Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability Curves,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 180, 445-455, 2019 (doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.05.041)
  35.  Li Y., Kalantari-Dahaghi A., Zolfaghari A., Dong P., Negahban S., and Zhou D., “Fractal-Based Real Gas Flow Model in Shales: An Interplay of Nano-Pore and Nano-Fracture Networks,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127, 1188-1202, 2018 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.08.077)
  36. N. Hakimov, A. Kalantari-Dahaghi*, A. Zolfaghari, S. Negahban, G. Gunter, Schlumberger “Pore-Scale Network Modeling of Petrophysical Properties in Samples with Wide Pore Size Distributions” SPE-192890MS, 2018 SPE Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Conference, UAE, November 2018 
  37. N. Hakimov, A Zolfaghari, A. Kalantari-Dahaghi, S. Negahban “Digital imaging of multi-scale porous materials, and image-based simulation and upscaling of flow properties”, InterPore 10th Annual meeting, New Orleans, USA, May 2018.